Sunday, 19 July 2015

Hello Insomnia!

Day 4
She didn’t want to leave the bed today. She had her celebrity moment when she felt like Hilary Swank from the movie- PS I love you. ‘I was planning on staying in bed and dying today’. Well. Not literally off course. Her neck, head and legs gave up. The little thing in her head literally kicked her conscious to get up and start another day without him in the house. *She is so used to him being around. Together they are like two wheels of a scooter.*
So she got up, picked an apple and made cold coffee. She cannot do without it. She loves cold coffee and off course him. She has never been without him for so long.
Anyway, so the day began. They say opportunities are everywhere. So in the ocean of shells, she started looking for her type of pearl. Her pearl. Say hi to advanced technology. Surfing websites is infotainment. And uploading pictures on Facebook is 'killtiment'. That's the good side to technology.
Television was a good support till now. But today, she just didn’t want to see its face. His face was what she was longing for.
'Arghh, I can totally do it. A few days more and he’ll be there.' That’s what she kept telling herself. A few days- 10 frigging days! Fly time fly. It flew like a monkey with its rear on fire when they were holidaying in Switzerland. And now, it is just the opposite. 
And oh, technology should try spreading its wings towards the most neglected parts of the country. People are everywhere. And most importantly , he is there. 
Technology disappointed her today! Airtel did. And BSNL works there where he is today. She always took BSNL as a vestigial ‘organ’ but not from today onwards. She will be buying a BSNL SIM soon! Lesson learnt- Nothing is in a name. 
Four days without his physical presence and one day without hearing his husky voice! Right now, if anyone wants to know where her heart is, check where her mind is wandering! Right there! ❤️
Damn you technology.

State of mind- Hello sleepless nights. Sigh! 

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